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Find Breeders Near You - South Dakota
Select your city to browse the best dog and cat breeders near you.
City (zip/postal code)
Aberdeen (57401)
Aberdeen (57402)
Agar (57520)
Akaska (57420)
Alcester (57001)
Alexandria (57311)
Allen (57714)
Alpena (57312)
Amherst (57421)
Andover (57422)
Arlington (57212)
Armour (57313)
Artesian (57314)
Ashton (57424)
Astoria (57213)
Aurora (57002)
Avon (57315)
Badger (57214)
Baltic (57003)
Barnard (57426)
Batesland (57716)
Bath (57427)
Belle Fourche (57717)
Belvidere (57521)
Beresford (57004)
Big Stone City (57216)
Bison (57620)
Blackhawk (57718)
Blunt (57522)
Bonesteel (57317)
Bowdle (57428)
Box Elder (57719)
Bradley (57217)
Brandon (57005)
Brandt (57218)
Brentford (57429)
Bridgewater (57319)
Bristol (57219)
Britton (57430)
Brookings (57006)
Brookings (57007)
Bruce (57220)
Bryant (57221)
Buffalo (57720)
Buffalo Gap (57722)
Bullhead (57621)
Burbank (57010)
Burke (57523)
Camp Crook (57724)
Canistota (57012)
Canova (57321)
Canton (57013)
Caputa (57725)
Carpenter (57322)
Carter (57526)
Carthage (57323)
Castlewood (57223)
Cavour (57324)
Centerville (57014)
Chamberlain (57325)
Chamberlain (57326)
Chancellor (57015)
Cherry Creek (57622)
Chester (57016)
Claire City (57224)
Claremont (57432)
Clark (57225)
Clear Lake (57226)
Colman (57017)
Colome (57528)
Colton (57018)
Columbia (57433)
Conde (57434)
Corona (57227)
Corsica (57328)
Cresbard (57435)
Crooks (57020)
Custer (57730)
Dallas (57529)
Dante (57329)
Davis (57021)
De Smet (57231)
Deadwood (57732)
Dell Rapids (57022)
Delmont (57330)
Dimock (57331)
Doland (57436)
Draper (57531)
Dupree (57623)
Eagle Butte (57625)
Eden (57232)
Edgemont (57735)
Egan (57024)
Elk Point (57025)
Elkton (57026)
Ellsworth Air Force Base (57706)
Elm Springs (57736)
Emery (57332)
Enning (57737)
Erwin (57233)
Estelline (57234)
Ethan (57334)
Eureka (57437)
Fairburn (57738)
Fairfax (57335)
Fairview (57027)
Faith (57626)
Faulkton (57438)
Fedora (57337)
Ferney (57439)
Flandreau (57028)
Florence (57235)
Fort Meade (57741)
Fort Pierre (57532)
Fort Thompson (57339)
Frankfort (57440)
Frederick (57441)
Freeman (57029)
Fulton (57340)
Gann Valley (57341)
Garden City (57236)
Garretson (57030)
Gary (57237)
Gayville (57031)
Geddes (57342)
Gettysburg (57442)
Glencross (57630)
Glenham (57631)
Goodwin (57238)
Gregory (57533)
Grenville (57239)
Groton (57445)
Hamill (57534)
Harrisburg (57032)
Harrison (57344)
Harrold (57536)
Hartford (57033)
Hayes (57537)
Hayti (57241)
Hazel (57242)
Hecla (57446)
Henry (57243)
Hermosa (57744)
Herreid (57632)
Herrick (57538)
Hetland (57244)
Highmore (57345)
Hill City (57745)
Hitchcock (57348)
Holabird (57540)
Hosmer (57448)
Hot Springs (57747)
Houghton (57449)
Hoven (57450)
Howard (57349)
Howes (57748)
Hudson (57034)
Humboldt (57035)
Hurley (57036)
Huron (57350)
Huron (57399)
Ideal (57541)
Igloo (57774)
Interior (57750)
Iona (57542)
Ipswich (57451)
Irene (57037)
Iroquois (57353)
Isabel (57633)
Java (57452)
Jefferson (57038)
Kadoka (57543)
Kaylor (57354)
Keldron (57634)
Kennebec (57544)
Keystone (57751)
Kimball (57355)
Kranzburg (57245)
Kyle (57752)
La Bolt (57246)
Lake Andes (57356)
Lake City (57247)
Lake Norden (57248)
Lake Preston (57249)
Lane (57358)
Langford (57454)
Lantry (57636)
Lead (57754)
Lebanon (57455)
Lemmon (57638)
Lennox (57039)
Leola (57456)
Lesterville (57040)
Letcher (57359)
Little Eagle (57639)
Lodgepole (57640)
Long Lake (57457)
Long Valley (57547)
Lower Brule (57548)
Ludlow (57755)
Lyons (57041)
Madison (57042)
Manderson (57756)
Mansfield (57460)
Marion (57043)
Martin (57551)
Marty (57361)
Marvin (57251)
McIntosh (57641)
McLaughlin (57642)
Meadow (57644)
Meckling (57044)
Mellette (57461)
Menno (57045)
Midland (57552)
Milbank (57252)
Milbank (57253)
Milesville (57553)
Miller (57362)
Mission (57555)
Mission Hill (57046)
Mitchell (57301)
Mobridge (57601)
Monroe (57047)
Montrose (57048)
Morristown (57645)
Mound City (57646)
Mount Vernon (57363)
Mud Butte (57758)
Murdo (57559)
Nemo (57759)
New Effington (57255)
New Holland (57364)
New Underwood (57761)
Newell (57760)
Nisland (57762)
Norris (57560)
North Sioux City (57049)
Northville (57465)
Nunda (57050)
Oacoma (57365)
Oelrichs (57763)
Oelrichs (57782)
Oglala (57764)
Okaton (57562)
Okreek (57563)
Oldham (57051)
Olivet (57052)
Onaka (57466)
Onida (57564)
Oral (57766)
Orient (57467)
Ortley (57256)
Owanka (57767)
Parker (57053)
Parkston (57366)
Parmelee (57566)
Peever (57257)
Philip (57567)
Pickstown (57367)
Piedmont (57769)
Pierpont (57468)
Pierre (57501)
Pine Ridge (57770)
Plankinton (57368)
Platte (57369)
Pollock (57648)
Porcupine (57772)
Prairie City (57649)
Presho (57568)
Pringle (57773)
Pukwana (57370)
Quinn (57775)
Ralph (57650)
Ramona (57054)
Rapid City (57701)
Rapid City (57703)
Rapid City (57709)
Rapid City (57702)
Ravinia (57357)
Raymond (57258)
Red Owl (57777)
Redfield (57469)
Redig (57776)
Ree Heights (57371)
Reliance (57569)
Renner (57055)
Reva (57651)
Revillo (57259)
Ridgeview (57652)
Rockham (57470)
Roscoe (57471)
Rosebud (57570)
Rosholt (57260)
Roslyn (57261)
Rowena (57056)
Rutland (57057)
Saint Onge (57779)
Salem (57058)
Scenic (57780)
Scotland (57059)
Selby (57472)
Seneca (57473)
Sinai (57061)
Sioux Falls (57101)
Sioux Falls (57103)
Sioux Falls (57104)
Sioux Falls (57105)
Sioux Falls (57106)
Sioux Falls (57107)
Sioux Falls (57108)
Sioux Falls (57109)
Sioux Falls (57110)
Sioux Falls (57117)
Sioux Falls (57118)
Sioux Falls (57192)
Sioux Falls (57194)
Sioux Falls (57195)
Sioux Falls (57196)
Sioux Falls (57197)
Sioux Falls (57186)
Sioux Falls (57188)
Sioux Falls (57189)
Sioux Falls (57193)
Sioux Falls (57198)
Sisseton (57262)
South Shore (57263)
Spearfish (57783)
Spearfish (57799)
Spencer (57374)
Springfield (57062)
St. Charles (57571)
St. Francis (57572)
St. Lawrence (57373)
Stephan (57346)
Stickney (57375)
Stockholm (57264)
Strandburg (57265)
Stratford (57474)
Sturgis (57785)
Summit (57266)
Tabor (57063)
Tea (57064)
Timber Lake (57656)
Tolstoy (57475)
Toronto (57268)
Trail City (57657)
Trent (57065)
Tripp (57376)
Tulare (57476)
Turton (57477)
Tuthill (57574)
Twin Brooks (57269)
Tyndall (57066)
Union Center (57787)
Utica (57067)
Vale (57788)
Valley Springs (57068)
Veblen (57270)
Vermillion (57069)
Viborg (57070)
Vienna (57271)
Virgil (57379)
Vivian (57576)
Volga (57071)
Volin (57072)
Wagner (57380)
Wakonda (57073)
Wakpala (57658)
Walker (57659)
Wall (57790)
Wallace (57272)
Wanblee (57577)
Warner (57479)
Wasta (57791)
Watauga (57660)
Watertown (57201)
Waubay (57273)
Webster (57274)
Wentworth (57075)
Wessington (57381)
Wessington Springs (57382)
Westport (57481)
White (57276)
White Lake (57383)
White Owl (57792)
White River (57579)
Whitehorse (57661)
Whitewood (57793)
Willow Lake (57278)
Wilmot (57279)
Winfred (57076)
Winner (57580)
Witten (57584)
Wolsey (57384)
Wood (57585)
Woonsocket (57385)
Worthing (57077)
Wounded Knee (57794)
Yale (57386)
Yankton (57078)
Yankton (57079)