Boerboel Breeders

Locate Boerboel breeders from all across the United States and Canada. Find the best Boerboel with dogs and puppies available all across North America

Qubitron Boerboel’s

Qubitron Boerboel’s

New Baltimore, MIus

Exotic Boerboels

Exotic Boerboels

Cleveland, OHus


Our goal is to provide families with high quality puppies at an affordable price. When we decided to get into South African Boerboel breeding it was because we loved the dogs and wanted to provide our friends family members with this magnificent majestic breed. Since then our goals have not waivered we are still committed to breeding for friends and families. We firmly believe that a South African Boerboels place is with a family. Remember dog is not a big profit business venture. Dogs are living creatures with hearts that beat and they depend totally on their owner. Remember dogs, like humans have emotions, can sense pain, and they do understand fair and equal treatment. As humans it is our responsibility to treat animals with respect and not inflict pain and suffering. Therefore we sell very limitedly breeder dogs.

Magni Boerboels LLC

Magni Boerboels LLC

Crown Point, INus


We breed our dogs using some of the best Boerboel lines to help maitain the integrity of the breed.