Ibizan Hound Breeders

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Abbaio Ibizan Hounds

Abbaio Ibizan Hounds

Riverside, NJus


I have been involved with Ibizan Hounds since 2002. Abbaio is home to winners and placers at Westminster, AKC/Eukanuba, Morris & Essex, IHCUS National Specialty weekend and Beezerfest. Our dogs have won and placed in groups and accumulated championships, grand championships, rally, agility and lure coursing titles. Above all else, Abbaio Ibizans bring joy to their families as loving companions.
Abbaio is not an online puppy store. Ibizan Hounds are a rare breed and not common in all areas. We welcome inquiries from any and all who are interested in sharing their life with an Ibizan, or just learning more about them. A personal meeting with me and the dogs is essential in making your final decision.