The Evolution of Dog Training Book Club picture
The Evolution of Dog Training Book Club


San Buenaventura (Ventura), CAus

Are you a pet lover or pet professional and are interested in dog training but just can't figure out which method is right for you and your pet? Join our Book Club as author, Shannon Riley-Coyner, discusses each chapter of her book "The Evolution of Dog Training" (this is a pre-recorded series of 10 videos). You are just one click away and don't even have to leave your house to join! Grab your copy of her book today on Amazon or Barnes & Noble (audio book coming soon!) to have on hand as you watch each video. The Evolution of Dog Training details how to teach your dog, one step at a time, without causing your dog pain or fear. It carefully explains how training with choke chains started and why trainers are now using clickers instead. You'll also learn what current research and scientific studies tell us about how dogs learn, making it easier to a turn your beloved pet into a well-behaved dog. Whether you have been training dogs for decades or this is your very first time, this book will help you sort through all of the opinions so you can train effectively and humanely. Become a Truly Force Free Site Member before buying this product and get access for FREE! Click here to purchase a Site Membership.